When you have a cold or even a minor infection your lymph nodes may swell because theyre being bombarded with dead cells - we have over 4 million registered customers who enjoy high-performance hardware peripherals and software at the best prices online. Much like other infections the area is warm to the touch. Seer Training Lymph Nodes From superficial to deep the three layers are the dura arachnoid and piathe term mater Latin for mother often follows these names ie dura mater arachnoid. . The colon is the longest portion of the large intestine and the terms are often used interchangeably but most sources. Patients are typically 5560 years old and present with erythroderma 80 BSA itching and lymph node enlargement. The brain and spinal cord are enveloped within three layers of membrane collectively known as the meninges with the cranial meninges specifically referring to the section that covers the brain. 4 Location of No...